Nottingham Organic Gardeners

Welcome to Nottingham Organic Gardeners. 

 We are a voluntary organisation, a friendly group in Nottingham, open to all.

 We aim to promote organic and sustainable gardening, and a more localised food culture. 

 We have an Organic Demonstration Garden at Whitemoor Allotments in Nottingham and hold regular talks, workshops and events with an organic theme. 

 Please note we cannot endorse or recommend specific gardening suppliers, businesses or growers.

Proud to be Organic


NOGs was formed in 1989 in Nottingham. From small beginnings NOGs has now over 100 members from the city and neighbouring areas – reputedly the largest organic gardening group in the midlands. NOGS is a volunteer led group whose aims are “to advance the education of the general public in the principle of organic growing and gardening by promoting the use and development of organic gardening methods”. We welcome new members and volunteers to help us!

Current Commitee

Andy Callow - Chair
Brenda O’Mahoney - Secretary
Kay Head - Treasurer
Bethan McIlroy
Kate Newton
Ros Rosser
Jo Lynch
All elected at the AGM in Nov 2024

What we do

NOGS has established a calendar of events during the year which includes our Annual Potato Day in Sherwood, talks throughout the year on the second Wednesday of the month and the Plant Swap in May, as well as organising workshops and trips to other gardens or plant shows. Our location for all of these is the United Reformed Church in Sherwood.

We are always looking for new ideas on engaging the public at large, and our own members, in expanding their horizons on aspects of growing and enjoying food. Most NOGs get togethers seem to involve eating at some point!

NOGS has been involved in many projects and in recent years the group have attended local groups and the Green Festival in Nottingham Arboretum promoting composting.

NOGS members are very diverse in age, professions and their types of garden, but the common thread is a group of like-minded individuals who really care about “what they are doing on their own patch” and the wider impact on the environment. The wealth of knowledge through the group is enormous and the willingness of members to share their experience is inspiring. This is NOGs’ great strength. A day at a NOGs workshop learning how to prune or create a pond or work with willow is a very enjoyable experience. A lot of energy, time (and fun!) goes into organising the annual programme and the main events and it is a great way to meet like minded folks, so if you would like to become more involved, why not use the sign up to the email list or contact us with any questions