Workshop - how to make good compost
Do you make your own compost? Would you like to learn more or have you been having issues? Would you like to learn where to start?
If you answered yes then this is the course for you!
The course will cover the basics, and topics for those who are more experienced to really get the best out of their home composting. There is time for specific questions to be answered and problems solved.
The topics covered during the evening will include:
- What really goes on inside a compost bin?
- How to get the right mix of ingredients
- 'Hot' versus 'cold' composting
- Time to share your experience and ask about issues
Free to NOGs members, £2 to non-members.
Tea/coffee available.
please book by emailing or phoning 07984 175251
- Tuesday, August 12, 2014
- 7:00pm for 7:30
- Whitemoor Allotments