Nottingham Organic Gardeners

Welcome to Nottingham Organic Gardeners. 

 We are a voluntary organisation, a friendly group in Nottingham, open to all.

 We aim to promote organic and sustainable gardening, and a more localised food culture. 

 We have an Organic Demonstration Garden at Whitemoor Allotments in Nottingham and hold regular talks, workshops and events with an organic theme. 

 Please note we cannot endorse or recommend specific gardening suppliers, businesses or growers.

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Talk: Plants for Pigmentation - Audrey Leach


Plants for Pigmentation or Plants for Dyeing

Eating locally produced food has become mainstream in recent years. But for some, simply eating locally grown veggies just doesn't take localism far enough: we should wear them too. Or, more specifically, we should dye our clothes with them.

Audrey Leach heads an organisation called Primary Gardens, put the case for introducing locally grown natural dyes to our gardens.

VENUE The Ukrainian Federation Club,
Claremont Road, Sherwood Rise, NG5 1BH
7:15 for 7:30

Free for NOGs members, £2 for visitors - you can join on the evening.

Earlier Event: March 12
Talk: Jo Bradley 'Biodynamic Farming'
Later Event: June 11
Walk: Nottingham University Park