Fruit Tree pruning and grafting
Time 10.30 – 12.30
This is a half-day practical fruit tree pruning workshop suitable for beginners and people wanting a refresher. We'll look at how to establish cordons and espaliers, as well as general maintenance for apple and pear trees. There will also be an opportunity for you try try grafting onto a root stock.
This workshop will be led by Leo Jordan. Leo is one of Nottingham's experts on fruit trees! He co-manages Summerwood Lane Community Garden, and the prize-winning Blue Barrel Cider. He'll be telling us how to choose the right fruit trees, and showing us how to maintain and prune them as well as grafting techniques.
As a special treat we will also be using the Whitemoor Community orchard as a base for the days workshop which will provide us with plenty of practical experience on the day.
Course details
Capacity: The maximum group size will be 15 people
Tickets: £20
Buy your ticket here…
Address of the plot is - Whitemoor Allotments, Wilkinson Street, Nottingham, NG8 5FJ. Entrance to the garden in the big lay-by on Wilkinson Street, opposite Heslington Ave.
This is a practical workshop so please wear sensible footwear and clothing for the time of year.
We do have a polytunnel and cabin so even if it rains there is shelter and we will still be there.
Refreshments: Complimentary tea and coffee will be available and we ask for a £5 donation for lunch on the day
Contact: If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the organiser at