Nottingham Organic Gardeners

Welcome to Nottingham Organic Gardeners. 

 We are a voluntary organisation, a friendly group in Nottingham, open to all.

 We aim to promote organic and sustainable gardening, and a more localised food culture. 

 We have an Organic Demonstration Garden at Whitemoor Allotments in Nottingham and hold regular talks, workshops and events with an organic theme. 

 Please note we cannot endorse or recommend specific gardening suppliers, businesses or growers.

Day 11: Spud guns

This weapon of vegetation decimation is a small toy gun used to fire a fragment of potato.

Perfect for some ‘old fashioned fun’, one punctures the surface of a potato with the gun's hollow tip and pries out a small pellet which fits in the muzzle.

Squeezing the grip causes a small build-up of air pressure inside the toy which propels the projectile.

The devices are usually short-range and low-powered.

Today’s variety - King Edward (Maincrop)


An English potato introduced in 1902.

The oval tubers have attractive red eyes.

The creamy white flesh has a light, floury texture and rarely discolours on cooking.

A popular and well-loved late main-crop variety with good resistance to scab and slugs

An iconic for roasts & mash with excellent flavour.

Floury, so boil or steam with care.

About my January Potato Journey

I am trying to build up my horticulture knowledge, all views are my own and are intended to be in a positive spirit.

I am a member of Nottingham Organic Gardeners (NOGs)

The daily posts are hoped to feature varieties which are likely to be part of Nottingham Organic Gardeners’ Potato Day and some fun potato trivia.

Also to be my celebration of the potato and Nottingham Organic Gardeners Potato Day.

More information at

The text below is from the Nottingham Organic Gardeners’


We are still definitely planning to bring potato day to you in some manner!

We have placed the order for the potatoes!

When we have them delivered and how we will get them to you will be planned soon!"

Day 10: Smash

Smash is a brand of Instant mashed potatoes in the United Kingdom.

It was launched in the United Kingdom in the 1960s by Cadbury, which was primarily a manufacturer of confectionery at the time. Smash was reasonably successful.

However, it was not until 1974 that Smash became popular in the convenience food market after Cadbury launched an advertising campaign featuring the Smash Martians, a family of Martian robots who would watch humans preparing mashed potato the traditional way on television instead of using potato granules, and laugh at them.

The adverts of 1970s and the catchphrase, ‘for mash get Smash', were voted television advert of the century by the trade magazine Campaign.

The adverts featured the Smash Martians chortling as they heard how the "Earth people" peeled their own potatoes, "boiled them for 20 of their minutes" then "smashed them all to bits" - instead of using Smash instant mash.

Smash continues to be popular in the UK, selling 140 million servings a year.

Today’s variety - Kestrel (2nd early)


A Scottish variety introduced in 1992, a good exhibition potato because of its consistency size and colour.

Attractive smooth skins and violet eyes.

A decent all-rounder. Semi- waxy, good roasts and chips with an ‘old-fashioned’ taste.

About my January Potato Journey

I am trying to build up my horticulture knowledge, all views are my own and are intended to be in a positive spirit.

I am a member of Nottingham Organic Gardeners (NOGs)

The daily posts are hoped to feature varieties which are likely to be part of Nottingham Organic Gardeners’ Potato Day and some fun potato trivia.

Also to be my celebration of the potato and Nottingham Organic Gardeners Potato Day.

More information at

The text below is from the Nottingham Organic Gardeners’


We are still definitely planning to bring potato day to you in some manner!

We have placed the order for the potatoes!

When we have them delivered and how we will get them to you will be planned soon!"

Day 9: Potato Peel Pie

A daily post of potato trivia introducing a potato variety a day.

A World War 2 recipe and the title of the film ‘The Guernsey Literary and Potato Pie Society’

Food was a huge problem throughout the occupation of Guernsey, as the island was eventually cut off completely from any mainland supplies.

There was precious little to feed the local residents, German soldiers and European labourers alike.

As a result, the day-to-day lives of islanders revolved around queuing for the restricted food supplies.


The potato peel pie is a true occupation recipe which made the most of the limited ingredients available.

The classic potato peel pie is made of potatoes, potato peels for the crust, a beet, and a teeny tiny bit of milk.

In the film and book four friends are stopped by soldiers for breaching curfew during the German occupation. To avoid arrest, they say they were returning from a meeting of their book club, hastily named "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society".

The WWII recipe for potato peel pie is online with different modern twists to make it more edible.

Today’s variety - Jazzy (2nd early)


A new premium salad variety, bursting with flavour!

Lots of tasty small potatoes that are suitable for steaming, boiling, crushing and even roasting

RHS Award of Garden Merit winner.

About my January Potato Journey

I am trying to build up my horticulture knowledge, all views are my own and are intended to be in a positive spirit.

I am a member of Nottingham Organic Gardeners (NOGs)

The daily posts are hoped to feature varieties which are likely to be part of Nottingham Organic Gardeners’ Potato Day and some fun potato trivia.

Also to be my celebration of the potato and Nottingham Organic Gardeners Potato Day.

More information at

The text below is from the Nottingham Organic Gardeners’


We are still definitely planning to bring potato day to you in some manner!

We have placed the order for the potatoes!

When we have them delivered and how we will get them to you will be planned soon!"

Day 8: Starch

A daily post of potato trivia introducing a potato variety a day.

Starch is a type of carbohydrate. Its molecules are made up of large numbers of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms.

Starch has many uses, food companies use starch to thicken processed foods, and to make sweeteners.

Other uses include the construction industry where starch is used in gypsum wallboard manufacturing ,the manufacture of adhesives and in paper manufacturing to increase the strength of paper.

Most plants, including rice, potatoes and wheat, store their energy as starch.

Starch extracted from potatoes is a gluten-free starch powder.

Starch obtained from potatoes is generally used to thicken broth, soup, any sauce or gravy and is much preferred instead of cornstarch due to its high boiling point.

To extract the starch, the potatoes are crushed, and the starch grains are released from the destroyed cells.

The starch is then washed out and dried to powder.

Today’s variety - International Kidney (Early)


An English variety bred in 1879 that is famous for it’s flavour.

This variety is sold early in the season by Jersey growers under the trademark ‘Jersey Royal’, the potatoes can only be called Jersey Royals if they have been grown on the Island of Jersey

Tubers are kidney shaped with shallow eyes and white flesh and skin.

If picked prematurely it is a small firm, waxy potato.

When left to mature it is a large kidney.

Excellent boiled or as a salad potato.

About my January Potato Journey

I am trying to build up my horticulture knowledge, all views are my own and are intended to be in a positive spirit.

I am a member of Nottingham Organic Gardeners (NOGs)

The daily posts are hoped to feature varieties which are likely to be part of Nottingham Organic Gardeners’ Potato Day and some fun potato trivia.

Also to be my celebration of the potato and Nottingham Organic Gardeners Potato Day.

More information at

The text below is from the Nottingham Organic Gardeners’


We are still definitely planning to bring potato day to you in some manner!

We have placed the order for the potatoes!

When we have them delivered and how we will get them to you will be planned soon!"

Day 7: The largest potato producing Country - China.

A daily post of potato trivia introducing a potato variety a day.

The total world potato production was estimated as 388,191,000 tonnes in 2017.

The world potato sector is undergoing major changes.

Until the early 1990s, most potatoes were grown and consumed in Europe, North America and countries of the former Soviet Union.

Since then, there has been a dramatic increase in potato production and demand in Asia, Africa and Latin America, where output rose from less than 30 million tonnes in the early 1960s to more than 165 million tonnes in 2007.

The Chinese government is looking to increase national potato production, as the potato is more profitable per acre than other staple crops, such as grains, beans, and cotton.

Rapidly industrialising countries give people more money to eat more diverse foods including western foods where potatoes are a common feature.

China is now the biggest potato producer, and almost a third of all potatoes are harvested in China and India.

Today’s variety - Desiree (Maincrop)


The worlds most popular red potato originating from The Netherlands in 1962.

Oval, red-skinned tubers with pale yellow flesh.

Recommended by Delia Smith due to their potential to make the ‘perfect’ roast potato.

Excellent roasted, boiled or baked.

About my January Potato Journey

I am trying to build up my horticulture knowledge, all views are my own and are intended to be in a positive spirit.

I am a member of Nottingham Organic Gardeners (NOGs)

The daily posts are hoped to feature varieties which are likely to be part of Nottingham Organic Gardeners’ Potato Day and some fun potato trivia.

Also to be my celebration of the potato and Nottingham Organic Gardeners Potato Day.

More information at

The text below is from the Nottingham Organic Gardeners’


We are still definitely planning to bring potato day to you in some manner!

We have placed the order for the potatoes!

When we have them delivered and how we will get them to you will be planned soon!"