Nottingham Organic Gardeners

Welcome to Nottingham Organic Gardeners. 

 We are a voluntary organisation, a friendly group in Nottingham, open to all.

 We aim to promote organic and sustainable gardening, and a more localised food culture. 

 We have an Organic Demonstration Garden at Whitemoor Allotments in Nottingham and hold regular talks, workshops and events with an organic theme. 

 Please note we cannot endorse or recommend specific gardening suppliers, businesses or growers.

NOGs Outreach : QMC Tranquillity Garden

Did you Know NOG sponsor the QMC Tranquillity Garden? The funding goes towards paying trained horticulturalist to maintain the space with volunteers from NOG and Nottingham University Hospitals.

We spent a wonderful morning in the winter sunshine weeding, cutting back and litter picking. Pops of colour from hellibores, daffodils and snowdrops make the garden sing this time of year.

It’s a beautiful space, just under the tram bridge, for staff and patients alike.